
Resume Tips

Almost every job opening requires a resume to be submitted upon application. These resumes are looked over, compared and criticized by the employers. Therefore, it is extremely important to submit the best version of your resume as possible.

Most people learned how to craft a resume at some point in school. However, many have forgotten some of the basic rules to follow when creating a professional resume. Based on submissions we’ve reviewed, we have decided to compile a list of just a few resume-building tips.

One very important rule of thumb is to make sure there are no spelling errors. This may sound simple and obvious, but one spelling mistake can be the difference between landing a job and having your application thrown out. Double, even triple check your final product. Ask a friend, family member or colleague to proofread, as it can be easier to catch mistakes as an outsider.

Another simple yet important feature of the resumes is the information section. Make sure your first and last name is listed, as well as your email address and phone number. We’ve seen a number of resumes that have excluded one or more of these. The point of submitting a job application is to be contacted, so make sure your contact information is accurate and complete. Many employers want to call and email candidates, so include both pieces of information. If you have a LinkedIn account or a professional website, this would also be the place to list that.

Make sure all fonts and formatting are professional, clear and legible. The font shouldn’t be too small to read, but it shouldn’t be too large that it takes up valuable space. Choose a simple font that is easy to make out. Premade templates are great, but make sure the theme is relevant to the position you are applying for, and be certain the formatting doesn’t change when the application is submitted. To avoid the latter, save your file as a PDF so the features on your resume don’t shift from screen to screen. Color on a resume is okay, but avoid graphics as much as possible, as they don’t provide a super professional look and usually take up unnecessary real estate.

Keep your resume to one page. I know this can seem difficult at times, but if the font size is adjusted and unnecessary information is avoided, it’s very doable. Break down your information into categories, such as experience, education and skills, and don’t add too much fluff. A crisp, clear, one-page resume is exactly what employers are looking for.

References can be omitted from your resume. This will save plenty of space for other, more crucial information. If a company wants to reach out to your references, they will contact you and ask for those.

While this is not an exhaustive list of resume tips, these are all important to keep in mind when on the job hunt. We hope this helps!